
How do volcanoes affect the weather and people

There is often a lot of rain, lightning, and thunder during an eruption. This is because all the ash particles that are thrown up into the atmosphere are good at attracting/collecting water droplets. Another problem in Hawaii is that involves the formation of volcanic fog. The ongoing eruption is very quiet, with lava flowing through lava tubes and then into the ocean.

Volcanoes affect people in many ways, some are good and some are not. Some of the bad ways are that houses, buildings, roads and fields can get covered with ash. As long as you can get the ash off (especially if it is wet), your house may not collapse, but often people leave because of the ash and are not around to continually clean off their roofs. If the ash fall is really heavy it can make it impossible to breathe.

 Volcano Advantages

The main advantage that volcanoes have on the environment is to provide nutrients to the surrounding soil. Volcanic ash often contains minerals that are beneficial to plants, and if it is very fine ash it is able to break down quickly and get mixed into the soil.

How do earthquakes affect our community

Railway Damage

Earthquakes happen several hundred times a day.

Earthquakes have many ways to leave their mark on the land, and most of them are bad. The energy released from an earthquake is 10,000 more powerful than the first atomic bomb.
One of the most dangerous effects of an earthquake is a Tsunami. Tsunamis are giant waves that can cause floods and are up to 100 feet tall. They often strike a long way away from the quake, and are very deadly.
Another side effect of quakes is fire. The shaking causes broken gas lines. Then all it takes is a spark to start a giant fire. Fire was a big problem in the 1906 San Francisco quake.