Famous Volcanoes

Mount Vesuvius, Italy
Mount Vesuvius is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes. The eruption of 79 AD destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. The subsequent eruptions have been less severe. It poses many threats to the large population in its vicinity. This makes it a volcano to watch out for.

Mount St. Helens, USA

On May 18th, 1980 the eruption of Mount St. Helens in southwest Washington state disrupted the lives of thousands and changed more than 200 square miles of rich forest into a grey, lifeless landscape. Now, more than twenty-six years later, the land around the mountain is slowly healing.  Nature may be covering the scars of the 1980 eruption, but many people will never forget what happened that spring day.

Mount Krakatoa, Indonesia

Among the 130 active volcanoes in Indonesia, Krakatoa is the most famous because of its explosive eruptions. In terms of size, it is not one of the largest volcanoes. It showcased its might in an 1883 explosion, which resulted in the disintegration of the northern portion of the island. This later caused many tsunamis. Nearly 36,000 individuals lost their lives due to the massive walls of water. Several towns and villages that lay along the coastline were wiped out. Some islands, too, were destroyed. The temperatures, too, dropped around the world.