

Volcano Predictions

When volcanoes erupt the scientists haven't predicted correctly. But past eruptions are helping us predict more accurately.  If the scientists predict correctly they can save many lives that may be in danger.  There are some warning signs to help the scientists determine when a volcano may erupt.  The magma chamber collects magma before an eruption.  The magma chamber gets full so the magma will come to the top of the surface. After all of this it starts swelling. These are all signs of eruptions. There are instruments used to measure volcanic activity.  Seismographs can find small earthquakes which mean an eruption is coming.  Correlation spectrometers measure amounts of volcanic material.  A Tilimeter is used to see how much bigger a volcano gets when it erupts.  A Thermometer  helps by measuring how much gas there is in the volcano.
Earthquake Predictions  

There are many ways to predict earthquakes, and those ways could help the world to prepare for and prevent damage. There are ways to predict them for long periods of times (thousands of years), or very short periods of time (possibly decades). 

One can predict when an earthquake is going to occur by studying the rate at which strain builds up, studying the history of earthquakes in certain places and discovering how often an earthquake occurs in that place.
One way scientists can predict earthquakes is by using a formula to calculate when and how big an earthquake will be. They need three pieces of data to calculate the formula: how much time has passed since the last earthquake, how much strain was released in the earthquake, and the strain that is currently on the fault line. They use these numbers to calculate how big an earthquake will be and when it will occur.
Another way scientists predict earthquakes is by using a seismograph, but it is meant for more short periods of time. Seismographs record ground shaking onto a graph and scientists analyze the data to predict when an earthquake will occur and how big it will be. P and S waves have a big effect on what the seismograph displays. The P (primary) waves travel much faster through the earth than S (secondary) waves, but Secondary waves travel much faster than Surface waves. However, Surface waves have no effect on seismographs results.